Discover, innovate, verify and apply
Discover, innovate,
verify & apply
The OMC Research & Development team specialises in development and innovation in the fields related to DUKC® technology. These include environmental condition predictions, vessel motion measurement and analysis, hydrodynamics and novel decision support products utilising new technologies.
The purpose of the Research section is to discover, innovate, verify and apply new knowledge in an effort to provide its customers with world leading solutions.
While the R&D team are often called upon to support client requests when their requirements push the boundaries of DUKC® and related technology, there have also been several examples of OMC technology being developed in advance of the field. Recent examples include the DUKC® Chart Overlay, Dynamic Port Capacity Modelling (DPCM®) services and the iHeave® vessel motion visualiser (coming soon).
The Research section helps OMC provide world leading innovative solutions to its customers.