Using ship motion modelling to achieve
significant benefits over the standard methods
Using ship motion modelling to achieve significant benefits over the standard methods

Channel Design, Dredge Optimisaion, UKC Analysis
Dynamic Moored Vessel Analysis
Full Scale Vessel Motion Analysis
Channel Design, Dredge Optimisaion, UKC Analysis
2021 | |
Associated British Ports | Channel UKC study for The Humber river ports. |
(JNPT) Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust | DUKC® benefit study. |
2020 | |
Tanger Med | Tanger Med Assessment of UKC requirements for Ultra Large Container Ships at the Port of Tanger Med (TM1). |
Dampier Salt Ltd | Study to evaluate optimum berth pocket depths at Mistaken Island. |
Viva Energy | Dredge optimisation analysis for the deep draft tanker route at Geelong. |
T-Ports | UKC and accessibility assessment for the Lucky Eyre transhipment vessel. |
Confidential | Full scale measurements and squat analysis for a passenger vessel. |
2019 | |
ExxonMobil | Assessment of UKC requirements for larger tankers and LNG vessels at the Caution Bay terminal in Papua New Guinea. |
T-Ports | Dynamic Port Capacity Modelling of the greenfields Lucky Bay transhipment operation. |
North Queensland Bulk Ports | Channel depth assessment for Capesized vessels at Weipa. |
Woodside | UKC risk assessment for Woodside’s Dampier operations. |
TangerMed | Assessment of UKC requirements for Ultra Large Container Ships at the Port of Tanger Med |
Pilbara Ports Authority (Port Hedland) | Channel Risk & Optimisation Project (CROP) update. |
TasPorts | Assessment of the static UKC regime for the port of Burnie. |
Teck Resources | Assessment of maximum potential sailing drafts for outbound bulk carriers at the Port of Vancouver. |
Belfast Harbour | Review of UKC requirements for bulk carriers, ferries and cruise ships. |
2018 | |
South 32 / GEMCO | Groote Eylandt UKC analysis. |
North Queensland Bulk Ports | Jessica Point study. |
Rio Tinto | Dredge benefits analysis for Dampier and Cape Lambert. |
Rio Tinto | Dredge volume analysis to accommodate capesize class vessels at a port facility. |
Flinders Ports | Navigational risk assessment for container vessels at Port Adelaide. |
AECOM (Confidential) | Channel accessibility study for container vessels at an existing port. |
WA Port (Confidential) | Channel accessibility and dredge optimisation study to assess the viability of larger vessels. |
2017 | |
Mid West Ports Authority | Feasibility assessment for new vessel class including full bridge simulations. |
Mid West Ports Authority | Channel design for new vessel class. |
Mid West Ports Authority | Dredging benefits analysis. |
AECOM | Channel accessibility study for the Port of Newcastle. |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (Dampier) | Post dredge analysis to assess the benefits of the dredging campaign. |
Lyttelton, NZ | Evaluation of channel capacity for a nominated channel profile, and optimisation of the depths to achieve the same throughput. |
WA Port (Confidential) | Channel accessibility and dredge optimisation study to assess the viability of larger vessels. |
Caltex | UKC at berth risk assessment for Kurnell Berth at Port Botany. |
Woodside | UKC risk assessment for Woodside’s Dampier operations and development of an operational planning tool. |
2016 | |
Montreal Port Authority | Optimisation of the dredging requirements for the St Lawrence river between Montreal and Trois-Rivieres. |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (Cape Lambert) | Progress survey channel analysis to assess the benefits of additional dredging to assist in the management of the dredge campaign and determine the most critical areas to target. |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (Dampier) | Progress survey channel analysis to determine the benefits of achieving a revised depth target to inform the direction of the dredge campaign. |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (Cape Lambert) | Assessment of the impacts on sailing drafts resulting from channel accretion. |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (Dampier) | Analysis of the expected benefits with respect to sailing windows and maximum drafts for a number of alternative dredged channel profiles. |
2015 | |
Pilbara Port Authority (Port Hedland) | Assessment of the benefits expected from the Channel Risk and Optimisation (CROP) proposal. |
Aurizon | Evaluation of channel capacity for a nominated channel profile, and optimisation of the depths to achieve the same throughput. |
2014 | |
Pilbara Port Authority (Port Hedland) | Analysis of expected benefits gained by increasing the depth of the channel. |
Geraldton Port Authority | Vessel motion analysis to assess UKC requirements. |
2013 | |
Geraldton Port Authority | Channel UKC risk assessment. |
Port of Brisbane Corporation | Dredging impact study to quantify the expected increase in maximum sailing draft gained by increasing the depth of the channel. |
Port of Melbourne Corporation | Tanker Access Study for 14.7m tanker vessels accessing the Port of Melbourne. |
Port Hedland Port Authority | Inner Harbour dredge capacity study for Port Hedland Port Authority to target critical dredging spots considering UKC requirements. |
2012 | |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore | Assessment of channel width requirements for Cape Lambert, WA. |
2011 | |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore | Channel design optimisation for maximising vessel utilisation at Cape Lambert, WA. |
Worley Parsons / OPR | Oakajee channel design. |
Fremantle Ports | Channel accessibility study. |
Chevron | LNG vessel motion analysis. |
Port of Townsville | UKC assessment. |
2010 | |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore | Analysis of current forces on vessels for Cape Lambert berths. |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore | Channel design optimisation for proposed port developments at Cape Lambert, WA. |
JFA Consultants | Oakajee barge motion analysis. |
2009 | |
Port Hedland Port Authority | Channel design study to determine dredge requirements to achieve incremental draft gains. |
JFA Consultants | Oakajee channel design. |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore | Channel design optimisation for proposed port developments at Cape Lambert, WA. |
AECOM for API | Channel design optimisation for proposed bulk port at Anketell Point, WA. |
Ports Corporation Queensland (Weipa) | Targeted dredging advice to optimise DUKC®. |
2008 | |
Port Otago Limited | Channel design optimisation for the Port of Otago for next generation 6,000 & 8,000 TEU container vessels. |
JFA Consultants / Albany Port Authority | Peer review of channel design for approach channel for proposed expansion for Grange resources. |
Gasbridge, NZ | Channel design optimisation for Port Taranaki (NZ) for proposed LNG vessels consistent with the operational DUKC®. |
2007 | |
Worley Parsons | UKC Sensitivity Study for proposed Oakajee port development, Western Australia. |
Maunsell | UKC Sensitivity Study for proposed Oakajee port development, Western Australia. |
2006 | |
Worley Parsons | UKC requirements and channel depths for tankers transiting the Dampier channel to be developed for the Woodside Pluto Project. |
2005 | |
Silver Fern Shipping | Channel design optimisation for the Port of Marsden Point, (NZ) to provide a design that is consistent with the operational DUKC®. |
Ports Corp Queensland | Channel design optimisation for the Port of Hay Point to provide a design that is consistent with the operational DUKC®. |
Westgate Transport | Channel design optimisation for Port Taranaki (NZ) to provide a design that is consistent with the operational DUKC®. |
Flinders Ports | Channel design optimisation for the approaches to the Adelaide Outer Harbour to maximise the yield of their planned capital dredging. |
Fremantle Ports | Channel design optimisation for Fremantle Ports to provide a design that is consistent with the operational DUKC®. |
Newcastle Port Corporation | Channel depth analysis for the Port of Newcastle following the recent implementation of a DUKC® system. |
2003 | |
TranzRail and Beca Carter Hollings and Ferner | Desk top study to determine optimum channel depths for a proposed rail ferry terminal at exposed site at Clifford Bay, South Island, NZ. |
Hamersley Iron | Study to determine depth increases and locations to achieve optimum yield increase, Port of Dampier, WA. |
2002 | |
Geraldton Port Authority | Navigation study to determine minimum depths required for the specified wave conditions to provide the required UKC for the specified design vessel for the Geraldton Port Enhancement Project, WA. |
2001 | |
Geraldton Port Authority | Navigation study to assess dredging options of North and South Channels, Geraldton Port, WA. |
Ports of Auckland Limited | Review of channel design and UKC requirements for the deepening of the port approach channels. |
2000 | |
Port Authority of New York/New Jersey | Desk study of dredging options for Kill Van Kull and Newark Channels, New York Harbour, USA. |
Victorian Channels Authority | Deepening study of Port Phillip Channels, Melbourne, Vic. |
1998 | |
Townsville Port Authority | Study into ship-bank interaction to assess the optimum dredging required to reduce the existing bank effect by 50%. Included full scale and model-scale measurements of bank effect forces and moments as well as numerical modelling of the bank effect being experienced at Townsville, Qld. |
1992 | |
Ports Corporation of Queensland | Development of a transit/UKC simulation model for the Port of Weipa, Qld, to investigate various options related to dredged bed level profiles, gross under-keel clearance allowances, vessel scheduling and variation of vessel engine speed along the transit through the harbour and South Channel. |
Dynamic Moored Vessel Analysis
2022 | |
Gladstone Ports Corporation | Moored vessel risk analysis |
Pilbara Ports Authority | Dynamic moored vessel analysis including the impact of passing vessels. |
BHP | Comprehensive dynamic moored vessel analysis to ensure safe mooring practices. |
Antofagasta Minerals | Dynamic moored vessel analysis for vessels at Puerto Punta Chungo, Chile, including the impact of long period waves. |
NQBP | Optimisation of mooring arrangements for multiple vessel classes at each berth. |
Lyttelton Port Company | Mooring analysis to evaluate expected operability and downtime for a berth expansion project, considering both traditional and active mooring systems. |
Alcoa | Analysis of moored vessel motions and mooring line forces. |
Eastland Port | Dynamic moored vessel analysis at Gisborne, including infra-gravity waves. |
2020 | |
Antofagasta Minerals | Dynamic moored vessel analysis for vessels at Puerto Punta Chungo, Chile, including the impact of long period waves. |
Pilbara Ports Authority | Assessment of alternative mooring arrangements for the Dampier Cargo Wharf. |
Maritime Constructions | Dynamic mooring analysis for the Smith Bay Floating Wharf study at Kangaroo Island. |
NQBP | Dynamic mooring analysis for the Hay Point berths. |
Flinders Ports | Dynamic mooring analysis for Port Adelaide Outer Harbour berths. |
Gladstone Ports Corporation | Passing vessel interaction study for RG Tanna berths. |
Rio Tinto | Assessment of alternative mooring configurations. |
Port Hedland | Dynamic mooring analysis including passing vessels. |
2019 | |
Port Hedland | Dynamic mooring analysis including passing vessels for Utah Point berth with Cavotec MoorMaster units. |
Fremantle Ports | Dynamic mooring analysis examining motions of moored vessels in the Inner Harbour. |
Fremantle Ports / Alcoa | Dynamic moored vessel analysis including analysis of infragravity (long period) waves. |
Rio Tinto | Post incident mooring analysis, including an assessment of alternative mooring configurations. |
Port of Napier | Dynamic moored vessel analysis for Cavotec MoorMaster system. |
2018 | |
Caltex | Passing vessel interaction study at the Port of Brisbane. |
Caltex | Dynamic moored vessel response analysis for MR and LR1 tankers at the Port of Mackay. |
2017 | |
AECOM / BP | Tangguh LNG project. |
Caltex Australia | Barney Point moored vessel response analysis for passing vessel interactions, Gladstone. |
Fremantle Ports | Moored vessel response analysis for passing vessel interactions. |
Rio Tinto | VLOC mooring analysis for Cape Lambert. |
2016 | |
Viva Energy | Mooring analysis for LR1 tankers at Dampier. |
Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec | Kangaroo Island floating wharf mooring analysis. |
Gladstone Ports Corporation | Clinton vessel interaction study assuming Cavotec MoorMaster. |
Jacobs | Moored vessel analysis for Amrun project. |
Pilbara Ports Authority | Passing vessel interaction study for MoorMaster moorings at Utah Point, Port Hedland. |
2015 | |
Rio Tinto | Assessment of alternative mooring configurations for iron ore berths at Dampier. |
2014 | |
Rio Tinto | Numerical modelling study of vessel motions, mooring line tensions and fender deflections for Ehoala berth, Madagascar. |
Rio Tinto | Moored vessel analysis for Cape Lambert operational Berth Warning System. |
AECOM | Moored vessel analysis for Geraldton Berth 7. |
2013 | |
Jacobs | Moored vessel analysis for Amrun project. |
2012 | |
GHB / Arrow Head | Dynamic vessel mooring study for Gladstone LNG jetty. |
AECOM | Numerical modelling study of vessel motions, mooring line tensions and fender deflections for proposed Port Kembla Outer Harbour development. |
FASTJV / BHP | Quantum Project, Port Hedland Western Australia. |
2011 | |
SKM | Passing vessel interaction study for Port of Newcastle. |
KLH / James Price Port | Dynamic vessel mooring study for proposed LNG Berth at James Price Point. |
AECOM | Numerical modelling study of vessel motions, mooring line tensions and fender deflections for proposed Port Kembla Outer Harbour development. |
AECOM | Dynamic vessel mooring study for Port Hedland’s FMG3 berth. |
SKM / BHP | Dynamic vessel mooring study for Port Hedland’s AP4 and AP5 berths including MoorMaster units. |
Aztec Analysis | Numerical moored vessel study for a Land Helicopter Dock (LHD) vessel at BAE site. |
Beca | Mooring study for Clifford Bay including MoorMaster units. |
2010 | |
AECOM | Dynamic vessel mooring study for Geraldton #7 Berth including MoorMaster units. |
SKM / Rio Tinto | Mooring analysis for proposed Cape Lambert Port B berths. |
Aspec Engineering | Mooring analysis for Hay Point upgrade. |
Cavotec | MoorMaster mooring analyses for Hay Point. |
Geraldton Port Authority | Dynamic vessel mooring study for Geraldton #3, 4 & 5 Berths. |
PHPA | Utah Point Port Moorings Analysis including MoorMaster units, Port Hedland. |
Full Scale Vessel Motion Analysis
- Ponta Ubu
- Wellington
- Botany Bay
- Abbot Point
- Centreport
- Columbia River Bar
- Centreport
- Napier
- Columbia River Bar
- Melbourne
- Newcastle
- Itaguai
- Melbourne
- Cape Lambert
- Dampier
- Torres Strait
- Bunbury
- Belfast
- Newcastle
- Melbourne
- Gisborne
- Geelong
- Lyttelton
- St Lawrence
- Torres Strait
- Gladstone
- Melbourne
- Mundra
- Whyalla
- San Francisco
- Torres Strait
- Weipa
- Brisbane
- Hobart
- Gladstone
- Torres Strait
- Weipa
- San Francisco
- Halifax
- Melbourne
- Geelong
- San Francisco
- Spencer Gulf
- Brisbane
- Napier
- Melbourne
- Port Hedland
- Melbourne
- Napier
- Fraser River
- Port Hedland
- Geraldton
- Fremantle
- Cape Cuvier
- Ocean
- Brisbane
- Columbia River Bar
- Singapore
- Newcastle
- Ocean
- Bass Strait
- Melbourne
- Columbia River Bar
- Geelong
- Bass Strait
- Columbia River Bar
- Melbourne
- Port Phillip Bay
- Vancouver
- Torres Strait
- Cape Lambert
- Newcastle
- Townsville
- Weser River
- Weipa
- Port Kembla
- Weser River
- Torres Strait
- Marsden Point
- Hay Point
- Brisbane
- Weser River
- Melbourne
- Singapore
- Newcastle
- Marsden Point
- Lisbon
- Gladstone
- Geraldton
- Dampier
- Gisborne
- Marsden Point
- Mackay
- Geraldton
- Fremantle
- Brisbane
- Weser River
- Port Hedland
- Marsden Point
- Geelong
- Napier
- Weser River
- Weser River
- Geelong
- Melbourne
- New York
- Weser River
- Geelong
- Weipa
- Karumba
- Weser River
- Geelong
- Townsville
- Melbourne
- Weser River
- Geelong
- Fremantle
- Dampier
- Port Hedland