Who We Are
OMC International (OMC) is an Australian maritime engineering company that has developed award-winning e-Navigation technology to improve transit for large commercial ships in draft restricted entrance channels and waterways. It determines and manages a ship’s Under Keel Clearance (UKC) dynamically and in real-time.
OMC has a strong research focus and its Melbourne-based team of maritime and software engineers continue to commercialise new safety products. These include automated ship scheduling tool DUKC® Optimiser which maximises total tide tonnage and award-winning ship motion measurement instrument OMC iHeave®.
What We Do
What our clients say...
“This means more efficient shipping, allowing us to safely manage ships with deeper draughts, which means facilitating greater cargo capacity, without any need for significant infrastructure development and further minimising risks.”
Philip Holliday, CEOPort Authority of NSW, 2022 
"The Port of Port Hedland Plan was last reviewed in 2012, when it set a total throughput of 495Mtpa. We have well and truly exceeded this, with the port achieving a total annual throughput of 546Mt last financial year - of which 523 million tonnes were iron ore exports by port proponents. This in part was made possible by investing in world-leading maritime technologies to maximise port efficiency and safety."
Hon Rita SaffiotiWA Minister for Transport; Planning; Ports, 2022 
“We could not manage the tonnage output without the use of DUKC® (Dynamic Under Keel Clearance) program.”
Heath Daniel, Director/Marine PilotPort Hedland Pilots, 2022 
“The DUKC® system, gave the Port Authority’s highly skilled Marine Pilot the real time information to bring a vessel the size of the STI Kingsway safely into our Ampol terminal at Kurnell for the first time in history – a complete game changer for us”
Captain Kushal Mitra, Marine ManagerAMPOL, 2021 
“When you consider the size of these vessels and that, like an iceberg, there is an enormous dimension laying under the water, it is essential marine pilots have access to the best technology and a comprehensive range of specific information and data.”
Myron Fernandes, Harbour MasterPort Authority New South Wales, 2021 
"The technology is changing the landscape of maritime best practices through its ability to allow us to see things that we weren't able to see before. The innovations have been a great benefit to the port and to our customers."
Captain Michael Magee, Harbour MasterRAK Ports, 2020 
In collaboration with industry partners and OMC International, Fremantle Ports has recently assisted in the development of an Outer Harbour BerthAlert System. BerthAlert is a decision making tool that analyses local environmental conditions and predicts the magnitude of vessel motion while the ship is tied up alongside the berth... The BerthAlert has helped to improve ship safety in the port over winter period, by allowing informed decision making to take place with regards to ship scheduling, berth and resource allocation.
Fremantle Ports2020 
“My involvement with the PortWeather data presentation website began at the first stage - what do we as pilots want to see and how do we want to see it. The end product is a fantastic aid to decision making and planning of passages where wind, weather, tidal height and currents play a role - in Melbourne and Geelong that is every piloted ship! Two aspects are of particular use - knowing we share the exact same data as the VTS and the mobile phone optimised site(s), as this aids in job planning without having our PPU's open and running. Finally, there have been requested changes over time, and these were actioned promptly and to our satisfaction."
Captain Toby SheltonPort Phillip Sea Pilots, 2020 
“It’s great to see innovative Australian technology delivering world class safety and huge economic value for our resources sector.”
Hon Keith Pitt MPMinister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia, 2020 
"MSC Sindy set a new record being the deepest-draft ship ever to depart Fremantle Inner Harbour. The 336.7m Sindy has a draft of 14.6m. While the harbour is dredged to 14.7m... our DUKC system made it possible for the ship to transit safety out of the Inner Harbour. Fremantle can handle the largest container ships visiting Australia."
David Heppingstone, Acting Harbour MasterFremantle Ports, 2020 
"The new system will improve the safety of all commercial shipping movements within the harbour and allow larger and deeper container ships to call at Lyttelton."
Peter Davie, Chief ExecutiveLyttelton Port Company, 2019 
DUKC® means operators can be very precise about loading a vessel while still clearing the depth limits to leave the port... Even as volume has grown, shipping numbers haven't had to keep up because we can get more on a ship.
Roger Johnston, CEOPilbara Ports Authority, 2019 
"The impressive technology improves port efficiency and brings huge economic benefits. For example, at ports throughout the Pilbara in Western Australia, the technology has allowed miners including BHP, Rio Tinto and FMG to ship out $5 billion in extra iron ore revenue each year."
Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormackfor Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, 2019 
"Adoption of DUKC® will provide the port with a significant reduction in capital dredging costs and ongoing operational benefits through wider vessel sailing windows and a reduced risk of vessels grounding under severe conditions."
Martin Watts, Project DirectorLyttelton Port Company, 2019 
"The maintenance of a safe under-keel clearance (UKC) is a prime concern of harbour masters and this port's close cooperation with an industry partner has provided a consistent and scientific approach to under-keel clearance dynamically and in real-time."
IHMA JudgesInternational Harbour Masters Association, 2018 
"Quite rightly the first aim was improved safety, but now the system has been operating and has proven reliable, it is good to see the cargo and trade benefits are now being realised."
Rod Nairn, Chief ExecutiveShipping Australia, 2018 
"The San Francisco Bar Pilots appreciate OMC's professional approach and technical skill in helping us to further our knowledge and understanding of the pilotage area we serve. By working with OMC on our dynamic UKC study we have been able to make significant improvements in navigational safety as well as efficiency on San Francisco Bay."
Captain Joseph Long, President & Port AgentSan Francisco Bar Pilots Association, 2017 
DUKC® was installed in Geelong "as a way of admitting large ships with more cargo, without requiring any changes to the channel infrastructure."
Captain Peter McGovernVCRA Chief Executive Officer, 2016 
"The modelling looked at recent operational changes at the port including the use of innovative maritime technology, which has resulted in increased sailing drafts, the shipper's move to larger and more draft efficient vessels, and the port's ability to sail more ships on a tide. The end result is more efficient shipping for port users and ultimately more royalties back the State."
Dean NalderWA Transport Minister, 2015 
DUKC® is providing accurate and reliable data which provides increased levels of safety within the ports. The Ports of Hay Point and Weipa are inherently different but in both ports substantial benefits are provided both economically (increased drafts, wider sailing windows) and in improved safety/risk management.
Brad Fish, CEONorth Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, 2013 